Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Word. Notebooks - An Endorsement

Word. Notebooks, an offshoot of Cool Material, sent us an e-mail this week to promote their newest batch of notebook cover designs (pictured above). I'm a huge fan of Cool Material, and have even put together a 'Wear This' post for them a few months back. Even more-so, I am a Word. Notebook addict. Seriously, I can't live without them. I forgot mine at home today, and I was undoubtedly an unproductive mess.

Anyway, since I love them so much, I wanted to take the opportunity to give an official, whole-hearted endorsement of the notebooks and their simple, but incredibly useful built in to-do list system. At first glance, it's just your standard small notebook, but the inclusion of a bullet system provides a perfect visual reference that let's you quickly assess everything you have on your plate. From their website:

"Simply fill in the bullet point when writing an item on that line. Trace the circle around it when it’s important and add a slash when you’ve started work on it. Once the task is complete, simply mark down an “X” and move on to the next item on your list."

The handy 'Use Guide' included inside each book.
I've discussed the importance of setting yourself a list of goals, but always in the long term. However, as you work towards those bigger aspirations, you still need to keep your daily grind...well...grinding. Quickly. Effectively. Efficiently. 

Word. Notebooks help you do just that - small enough to fit into a pocked or tuck into a pouch in you bag or briefcase, these little books can follow you everywhere, and become the perfect constant reminder of what you have on deck, and a reference point for keeping yourself productive. 

Personally, I keep an ongoing, long-running list that never really ends. An alternative is to build a new list for each day, and don't go to sleep until you see X's the whole way down the page. Whatever your method, if you put these to good use, you're sure to see both your productivity and reliability improve greatly, which can't be bad!

My current, well-worn notebook.
Pick up a 3-pack at the Cool Material Store or directly from the Word. Notebook website for just $10. They've also got a few other cool products, like the Standard Memorandum notebook (not currently available, but hopefully returning someday), and some classy leather notebook covers. All very cool...

On a quick, unrelated note, I'm traveling again this weekend! Hopefully I'll have time to get a 'Deals and Steals' post up before I leave, but if not, I'll be back behind the wheel early next week.

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