Thursday, February 27, 2014

Started From the Bottom, Now We're Here

Disclaimer - I don't like Drake. But that lyric keeps popping into my head. Don't hold it against me, either way.

So, I'm actually out of town on a ski trip with my girlfriend and her family, and wasn't planning on posting anything while I was gone. However, I was going through some e-mails before I left and realized we just hit our one year anniversary! I can't believe that it's been a year...on one hand, it seems like yesterday that I sat down and started typing away at my first post, but at the same time, it feels like I've been doing this forever. I remember when we first reached 100 followers on Twitter, and it was such and accomplishment. I watched each follower come as we ticked closer to triple-digits. Just a month or two ago, we broke 1000 followers, and barely noticed through the whirlwind of activity that Wide Eyes, Tight Wallets has grown to. Looking back, I couldn't help but jot down some notes to share on our progress over the past year:

How Far We've Come:
  • From a whim of a blog to a focused and functional men's style blog.
  • From a silly name like 'Something Less Pretentious' to a slightly less silly name.
  • From unheard and unseen to almost 5,000 visitors every month and steadily growing (thanks, readers!)
  • From a tumblr-only launch to the Wide Eyes, Tight Wallets 'empire' - our own domain name, Twitter feed, Facebook page, Instagram profile, tumblr feed, Bloglovin' feed, DETAILS Network page....we takin' over!
To Where We Stand Today:
  • We've settled into a strong and consistent publishing schedule.
  • As we expand our platforms, we are working to keep every aspect polished and tight (for example you should see some improvements to the tumblr feed, which I've been cleaning up).
  • We continue to seek great brands and writers to work with, and have a steady queue of reviews and posts in the pipeline (contact me if you want in).
All the while, we look to make even bigger steps, and in the coming months we hope to make huge improvements to the blog as we work to create a redesigned site and move to a self-hosted platform (which in turn will open up even more opportunities to take Wide Eyes, Tight Wallets to all new heights).

Anyway, the point is not to brag or anything, but to express my appreciation both for the journey itself and for the support I've gotten from readers, colleagues, friends and family alike. Thank you to all of you, and here's to another great year in the works!

NOTE - We'll be offline for the next few days as I romp around Colorado, trying to learn to ski and hopefully not breaking any bones. You can expect us back by the end of next week (March 7th), if not sooner.

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